Above all else, I'm loving the layout of this article, it looks awesome - plus, the photography makes me incredibly jealous. I've had Peru unticked on my bucket list for too long now!
Some of these are just majestic!
Seeing those sheep testicles made me wince...
Couldn't agree more - it's a great idea for a blog post as well.
Yeah, Maptia are a pretty big site though - they've nailed their design though.
When you have to bait a fish with chicken, it's time to get the hell out of there!
Great share - wonderful design. I love how as you scroll down, the background image just displays that guy's eyes within the break in the foreground design. Something quite brilliant about the simplicity of it.
This is awesome! I'd LOVE to do this.
Hey Outbounders! I was just on the lookout for other good travel-related forums that are populated mainly by travel bloggers and travel-lovers, as opposed to travel companies. Essentially, I'm looking for places to share genuinely useful and interesting travel info without it being full of sales pitches from travel companies!
This really is a pretty awesome list - I'm always dubious about these types of pages because they're usually filled with loads of plugs for products, etc. This one seems to be full of genuine advice - great find :)
Some beautiful photos. Burma is one of the countries on my list to visit - any recommendations for the places to see/visit?
This looks like the setting of a horror movie haha!
This is beyond random - love it haha!
I had no idea that Lichtenstein was only 24km from North to South?!
Yeah, I'm with you there. The layout is beautiful.
I actually met Chris when I was out travelling in Thailand - awesome guy and this is an awesome post. With Thailand, you really can spend whatever you want - it always amazes me that you can go there on the luxury route and spend 1,000s, yet whilst backpacking through the mainland you can spend the eqivalent to a weekend in London across the space of 2 weeks!