Responsible Travel Week 2020
Invitation - 2020 is‘s 21st year of innovative, community-driven, online conferencing. We invite friends to join our free, week-long conversation, Responsible Travel Week, February 10-16.
90% of the conversation takes place online, documenting, previewing and recapping events around the world. 10% happens in the natural world – what you do. There are cool meetups in southern Nevada and other places to be announced.
Online we host real-time videos, Periscopes, Twitter chats, and collaborative editing sessions. Participants are asked to customize their own experiences. Create and announce your own meetups, workshops, soundwalks, and other creative endeavors. Fall in love with responsible, magical, and fabulous travel.
Participation is free and pay what you want. What we mostly desire is meaningful interaction, aka engagement – announcements, creations, comments, retweets, upvotes, stars, and questions.
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